Man oh man... I love all things sheep! Shuan the Sheep cartoon is worth watching over and over and over again. Really. If ever I am feeling blue (flat on my back screaming and banging my limbs on the ground), somebody will say "watch sheep?" and all will be forgiven. My papa even offered me some sheep on the beach the other day. He didn't have any, but just the thought of them made me forget my troubles.
I'd give you a word list, but really I am talking in sentences. My mama's favorite word of the moment is "shubbies" (strawberries). It's a lovely fruit.
So a while ago we went down to Los Angeles to see some friends and to visit Disneyland. We were ON THE MOVE every single day. And that meant that my mama and dada got lots of photos of me sleeping whenever I could. You know you're tired when you sleep through Pirates of the Caribbean.