Sunday, March 8, 2015

Ladies First

Did you know that you have to be extra nice to girls? Well you do. And I try to be my best self with them. We have one named Lundy who rides homes with us after school most days. She has a squeaky voice and is real cute. At first she wouldn't talk in the car because maybe she was scared. So Dean and I were real careful with her. Dean would pull her seatbelt out for her, gently pull it across her pink coat and I would take it from him and click it…nice and easy. She talks a lot now so maybe she's no longer worried that we might eat her. Dean is having trouble accepting another thing about girls. You're suppose to let them go first. We were in the car the other day and Dean was telling my mom that that wasn't fair. DEAN: "It's a stupid rule. Why do girls get to go first?" ME: "Dean, it's because girls are sucksy (sexy)." Thankfully, I get plenty of time alone to let my true inner madman shine.