Friday, September 26, 2014

Hello Again

It's been a long time! I'm in Kindergarten now. And I don't like it as much. They're very serious in there and it's mind bending for me. I keep telling my mom that I wish I knew everything in the world so that I wouldn't have to go to school anymore. I could stay home with my mom and help her all day long. I could run errands with her (and incessantly ask for things the entire time), keep her alert (crazy) with all of my "is-that-a-good-question" questions, and help her with house work by making sure there is always stuff to pick up. In fact I was doing a little market research the other day when I asked her if she likes to do housework. Here's how the conversation went: ME: "Mommy, do you like doing housework?" MOM: "Well, it depends. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. But either way, I always feel good when I'm done." ME: "You feel accomplished?" MOM: "Yes. That's exactly how I feel." And then she offered me a cup of coffee. Actually, she didn't. But she thought about it. OH!! Did I mention I am 6 now? Yes, I am!! And guess where I got to have my birthday party… the Winter Inn in Idaho. It was awesome! We had presents, pin the tail on the donkey, cake, and my cousin Kash! I was in heaven.

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